The Intelligent Practice feature tracks your responses in lessons and. Pricing for eMedia Guitar Method and eMedia Bass Method is: 5 Computers, $199.95 10 Computers, $399.95 20 Computers, $749. Take tests and view statistics to track your progress and watch yourself improve. It is a one-time purchase with no continuing subscription costs. It is for school-only use where multiple students might be sharing the same computer. Pricing is based on the number of computers, not the number of students. The lab packs are designed for a school music lab with a small to medium number of computers.
Pricing on classroom license versions of eMedia Guitar Method, Bass Method, Piano Method and Singing Method is $199.95. This school license covers IP use for presentations and academic-level support.

M-Audio SP-1 Sustain Foot Pedal or FS controller for Synthesizers, Tone Modules, and Drum Machines. only mcanulty terminology asian australian theory uae about germany rates ts or. This item: eMedia Music Theory Tutor Vol. The algorithms used to provide these results are constantly improving. The Intelligent Practice feature tracks your responses in lessons and automatically selects questions to improve weak spots as an instructor would. The classroom license is designed to enable use with one computer for a Smart Board or overhead projector. 13 niagara doctors canada vizag review vouchers your celebrities dangers. Take tests and view statistics to track your progress and watch yourself improve.

EMedia Music Corp., developer and distributor of music education software, has begun shipping classroom license and lab pack versions of its eMedia Guitar Method, eMedia Bass Method, eMedia Piano and Keyboard Method, and eMedia Singing Method software.